
Introduction of online check-in

Check in anytime, anyplace with your smartphone! Just scan the 2D barcode at the security checkpoint and boarding gate! The process at the airport will be streamlined. Check in anytime, anyplace with your smartphone! Just scan the 2D barcode at the security checkpoint and boarding gate! The process at the airport will be streamlined.


What is online check-in?

Online check-in enables you to check in and issue your boarding pass 24 hours up to 20 minutes
before your scheduled departure after booking and purchasing your flight ticket.

From reservation to boarding

  • Step 1

    Reservation / Purchase /
    Seat selection

    Send email notification approx. 24 hours ahead
  • From anyplace without
    waiting in line
    Step 2
    Online Check-inOnline Check-in

    On your smartphone or the like, 24 hours up to
    20 minutes before your scheduled departure

    Issue your boarding pass
    (the 2D barcode)
    Issue your boarding pass
    (the 2D barcode)

    You can check in from home or on your way!
  • Step 3
    Security check

    Just scan your boarding pass!


    Just scan your boarding pass!
  • Step 4

    Just scan your
    boarding pass!


    Just scan your boarding pass!
From reservation to boarding
  1. *1 To receive the notifications via email, you are requested to sign up for Flight Information Emails on the Solaseed Air website.
  2. *2 Other devices such as PCs and tablets other than smartphones can also be used.
    If your ticket was purchased at a special fare that requires the presentation of your personal identification document to show your age, or the like,you may not be eligible to check in online.
  3. *3 If you have baggage to check, please use a self-service baggage drop machine or go to our baggage counter to check your baggage before proceeding to the security checkpoint.
  4. *4 As of August, 2024, we will commence the renewal of the security checkpoint gates and boarding gates. See here for details (English only).
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